Initial Research Pathway

 Description of offshore oil rig pumping system

1. Benjamin was watching a video about offshore oil rigs and was intrigued by it.

2. James thought that it was a good idea to research on, as he came across it previously.

3. We decided to work together for this research. After going through countless articles on several oil rigs, we discovered a specific system to focus on.

4. We decided to focus on the pumping system as there were many features to talk about (e.g. sucker rod, pump jack, downhole pump) 

5. From OpenAI, we found more information on the limitations and safety concerns off an offshore oil rig.

6. Prompts from gAI (High Winds and Storms, Heavy seas, Safety Risks, Accidents and incidents, Environmental concerns, Logistical challenges, Corrosion and wear, Limited space and resources, Technological limitations). 

7. We research on the world biggest oil rig "Berkut Oil Rig" to obtain valuable information to craft our report.

8.  We created a shared document to collate all our findings for easy reference.

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